One thing I was definitely looking forward to this winter is a chance to get snug in my Spirithood...I scraped up the money I had and nagged my mam to get her credit card out over the summer but, to my dismay, Ireland had a surprisingly hot summer so I didn't get a chance to wear my Spirithood too often + the times that I did resulted in a horrible sweaty head...ew.
Spirithoods can be bought here for a steep price. . .but hey, express shipping for Christmas.
Although, knock offs can be found all over Dublin stalls ever since Jessie J and Skrillex were seen wearing them...
...but of course, the shitty material and lack of warmth is to be expected.
If walking around like you've just escaped from the zoo isn't your thing, they do have hats without the paws, but where's the fun in that?
Overall, a Spirithood would be a cute thing to put on your Christmas list this year.
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